Let Lee venture into the arcades, with a note book
in hand, jot down some notes, then ran out again when the big boys came
in and run home and plug in some Atari 2600 games and see just how
bloody close they came to bringing the arcade home......
The rating below consider the overall likeness to
its arcade parent, including graphics and sound
Moon Patrol
Arcade original :Irem - Atari conversion :Atari
The Irem coin op is a funny one, although playable the game did not make
waves as its predecessors did around that time. It was a rare arcade
game in the UK, looking back only seeing it twice ever in the arcade
halls of Blackpool. Still, it came a cloned game in the Spectrum years
of old game rehashes of the early eighties along with Missile Command
and Donkey Kong. The game is like a Drive along Space Invaders, with a
tune that is either classic or downright irritating to some ears. Moon
Patrol is no less fun than those arcade classics gone by.
Did they get it right? well
they did sir, and Moon Patrol is a great if not fantastic game on the
2600. The screen shots above show just how close the producers of said
game got near to it even down to the tune. In fact, the Atari version
seems more fitting at home and sees a much more playable game. 9
Kung Fu Master
Arcade original :Irem- Atari conversion :Activision
Kung fu Master was released in the wave of socky Kung Fu releases in the
arcades and was at least one of the better ones. Simple gameplay hidden
by nice effects such as the sound samples as you hit the foe made it all
the better. Nice big sprites and another thundering along tune. Fun but
very limited.
Did they get it right? Kung Fu Master was converted late in
the 2600's life so most Atari users do not remember it, which is a good
thing. The games bare bones are shown here and cannot be hidden by the
samples or funky graphics. It is bloody awful and wrestling with the
joystick to remove the enemy is just dire. And this is from Dan Kitchen,
the once great producer of Activision carts like Crackpots. For shame. 2
Tempest Arcade original :Atari - Atari conversion :Atari
One of those real gems that only arcade players really know about but to
others a complete mystery. A vector graphic game of shoot um up action,
very wicked and very much a top game indeed. Jeff Minter made it even
much better with Tempest 2000 on the jaguar.
Did they get it right? Nope. This is just so bad. Canned by
Atari at the production stage all that remains here is a one level demo
which must be why it stayed unreleased. The main screen holds what looks
like a pair of underpant Y fronts rates this game all by itself. Very
rare on Cartridge but not worth the chips it holds. Avoid like the
plague 1
Crystal Castles Arcade original :Atari - Atari conversion :Atari
Another game hidden here in the UK (at least I came across one in my
time) Crystal Castles is a very fine game. Akin to a 3D Pacman even
down to a power pellet (A Honey pot here) It is a very good game of that
ilk. Bentley Bear made the game more friendly and hiding the fact that
the game is quite hard later on. Complete the circuit with hidden
features, and get this, a trackball for movement. It is in my top ten
best Arcade games of all time.
Did they get it right? It could have been but Atari did the
works on this game. The game although squashed compactly into the
cartridge getting rid of the stuff not really needed but concentrating
on what matter most, the gameplay. One of those games that although very
different from the arcade game still works alone, and boy does it. 9
Missile Command Arcade original :Atari - Atari conversion :Atari
The Game about war that gave the programmer nightmares could have gave
the Atari 2600 version programmer nightmares too giving that he had to
get this real gem of arcade masterpiece right plus the original arcade
game had a trackball.
Did they get it right? One of the best Atari conversions
ever to me it plays even better than the game it tries to
emulate and works very well with the standard joystick. The are
limitations though, missing out the planes and three bases to fire from
makes it easier but with such gameplay who bloody cares? 10
Space Invaders Arcade original :Bally - Atari conversion :Atari
The essential arcade game, copied far too many times but is it Atari
Did they get it right? You could argue that the graphics are
not right, are they are not in fact they are far off. The sound is
pretty crap too compared with the arcade game but the 2600 programmers
did something right. They added loads of variations of the theme giving
the player such nice things like Invisible 'Vaders, Moving bases and one
of the most pointless video game extras ever, one player moves, and one
fires (didn't they use that idea in Gamecube Mario kart,Lee?) just
missing higher rating because the graphics are off but still good after
all these years. 7
Pac Man Arcade original :Namco - Atari conversion :Atari
Maze muching arcade hit. niff Said
Did they get it right? Usually voted as one of the worst
arcade conversions on any system ever and it is not hard to see why.
Lame maze layout, the worst sound, woeful graphics and a rubbish
colour scheme. Not even the bonus fruits are here just some
brown blob. Just horrid 1
Defender Arcade original :Williams
- Atari conversion :Atari
Rock hard game with many buttons. A general masterpiece of early game
design. More likely your older brother played this better than you.
Did they get it right? After Pacman nothing could be worse but
2600 Defender is pretty bad. Your ship disappears when your fire due to
too many sprites on the screen and the mountains have gone and been
replaced by a blue city. Still, it does play okay with a slight whiff of
Defender and it has good sound too.
Lets grab that quote from the manual....
"ATARI DEFENDER is very similar to the Williams coin-operated
DEFENDER game. However, you will find some differences in the
game play as well as in the graphic images and game controls.
The game differences are mostly minor and technical. We feel
sure that they will not detract from the fun you will have
with this exciting and popular ATARI game."
It did for me 4
Pheonix Arcade original :Centuri - Atari conversion :Atari
Very Plain but rather brilliant arcade coin op as the player blasts
everything in sight and this time gives you shields, lucky you! A bit
scruffy looking.
Did they get it right? This is a great arcade conversion and
it's even neater than it's big brother. It looks rather good and the
sound is spot on, Atari style. Love those bird effects too. 9
Star Wars (AKA Star Wars -The arcade game) Arcade original :Atari
- Atari conversion :Parker
The most playable and downright best arcade game ever. Using vector
graphics and some fine visual and oral sounds, Star Wars is like being
in the film...if it was made out of lines.
Did they get it right? It could have been so wrong but Parker
did get it mostly right. Obviously the vectors have been replaced and
the sound is stripped down to some white noise effects, it is playable
and for fans of the arcade game it could not have been closer. 7
Frogger Arcade original :Sega- Atari conversion :Parker
Get that frog across the road, missing the objects and meet up with a
lady friend on the way. Bliss on the roads.
Did they get it right? Its all here and its all good. Parker
did a mean job of packing the game into the cart and the whole package
is worth playing. An even better version was released later though 8
Why Didn't they get it right first time?
who knows? maybe they were rushed? Pacman was done in record time, so we
are told to reach a Xmas market. So why did Ms.Pacman win where that
failed? The truth is that as kids we would have played any
version of Donkey Kong or Bezerk just because it was!
The good thing is, the net had brought us new versions or reworkings of
the original code available at Atariage.com. So you can, at last, play
that decent version of Space Invaders.
here's some eye candy to check out......    