StarFire (2003) Atari 2600
-Reviewed Aug 2003 Manuel Polik (Programmer)
Thomas Jentzsch (Programmer)
Paul Slocum (Music)
GAME PLAY :A brand new conversion of the Exidy arcade game
from many moons ago.
Reviewed by Lee B
Lee: "If you were
around when Exidy brought out its Star Wars rip off (and this was before
Atari brought us the greatest arcade game of all time) you would be like
me, a great fan. Its at heart a very simple shoot-em-up and this in its
Atari form makes a formidable conversion. This game just oozes quality
from the start as the title screen just acts like the arcade game and
has a rocking title track something which Paul Slocum now has to a tee
(he's now in my eyes, the Rob Hubbard of the 2600 world). The game is
fun to get into and you will soon be shooting ships into the morning.
The graphics are real nice with no flicker as the many baddies hit the
screen and the ships are very well defined against the multi-stared
background. Some features are missing, but this is hardly noticeable but
with the extra 2600 moments thrown in to the mix, it makes for a better
game, at home at least. Check out the extras though, hidden ships like
the Death Star and Doctor Who's TARDIS, the music, the great control,
the extra special death crash (think Robot Tank but better). Its a great
game that we thought we would never see on the Atari but its here and
its just a perfect conversion we could ever hope to see. Its been a
while but StarFire is the game of the year for me, and it should be in
everyone's collection"
Overall:10 One of the best 2600 games released in recent
years, and one top conversion for StarFire fans.