It's Xmas
everyone. Let's all get under the tree and see what Santa has given me.
WoW! A Gamecube. Thanks. More Eggnog Lee? No I really shouldn't...oh go
always does a Xmas Special and this year I have gone and looked back over
news and releases. Looking back over the years it looks like the news was
pretty slack which is a shame. Is emulation fading away? Where is all the
new stuff? Still we
got some right top games like StarFire plus lots of new updates of
constant emulators. So while I sit here under the tree rattling presents
and getting slightly full on mince pies here's what floated my boat in
2003. Merry Xmas everyone and all!
.....StarFire is here!
It comes as a shock at
PeeknPoke that it is not just "old games" that have an interest.
Manuel Polik's
Star Fire
was followed quite a lot here, playing all those updates and new demos
each one making the game more of a want then anything else this year. What
started out as a proper conversion that could not be done was slowly
turned into an amazing 2600 game in its own right adding more stuff to
shoot at like Death Star's and Bobba Fett's Slave one. Its not arcade
perfect but it makes up for it with other features unique to the Atari.
Getting a well deserved 10/10 in the PnP review only makes you want it
more on cartridge (like just where is Lee's copy?:) Even Jeff Minter
wanted to play this.
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